Monday, July 19, 2010

Chef Jorge's Gourmet Chicken in White Wine and Garlic

My Spanish roommate, Jorge, is a natural European in the truest form. As I have spent nearly a year learning to make things that are close to edible, in one swift move Jorge will whip up the most mind-blowingly phenomenal gastronomical wonder this side of the Atlantic. After each bite of every "simple" meal he makes, I am left wondering how the hell I got so lucky. I rarely have the chance to take pictures of his creations, as my roommates and I inhale them within seconds but these things need no image. They are beautiful in and of themselves. Here is Jorge to present his masterpiece:

Chef Jorge's Gourmet Chicken in White Wine and Garlic

Chicken- Jorge prefers wings, but he believes chicken breasts will work
olive oil
whole bottle of white wine
whole head of garlic


Lightly salt the chicken and set aside.
Thickly slice garlic. Cook garlic over low heat in the largest skillet you own. Do not let all of the pieces "take color." Just as a few of the pieces begin to lightly brown add the chicken to the skillet.

Cook the chicken just until it starts to cook on the surface. Do NOT cook the chicken through. When chicken begins to brown, add the entire bottle of white wine-yes please!- covering the chicken completely. If you do not have enough wine to cover the chicken, you can add a bit of water, but really, has more wine ever been a bad idea? (well, we can just declare that question rhetorical and move on...)Once sufficient amounts of wine have been added, put the heat on high and bring to a boil. Allow the wine to boil until there is very little left in the pan--about half an hour--occasionally stirring so as not to burn. When no liquid remains, remove from heat, stir once more, add the juice of an entire lemon and go crazy.


  1. Sounds delicious! I wish I had a fantastic roommate who would cook for me!

  2. um yeah...had the whole Dallas thing worked out we could have served that purpose for each other...damn!
