With the naivete of Little Red Riding Hood, I went ahead and began the dish, blissfully ignorant of the Big Bad Fried Potato Mess of a Wolf that was hiding in my ingredients.
So I washed, peeled, and sliced four whole potatoes, added an egg, some salt and pepper and through it on the skillet.
First of all, whoever thought that little pieces of potato could actually stick together and form a cohesive whole, was an idiot. This, literal "hott mess," looked nothing like a crepe, resembling instead some fake brain mass I would have stuck my hand into at a fourth grade Halloween party. This should have been my first clue that something was off.
After six very long minutes, I began to "flip," the "crepe." Hah. By that, I mean that I began to fling little burned, yet somehow still undercooked sections of shredded potato out of the skillet and all over the kitchen. AWESOME. That was the end of that.
Needless to say, the "Potato Crepe" is a total hoax, completely on par with that Bubble Boy crap, and a lawsuit against the chef, (who I am now calling The Potato Creep),would not be out of the question.
Damn Internet.
One massive burned potato mash later, I collected myself, regained my composure, and began to make the classic savory crepe that I had wanted all along. Realizing that the ingredients to a regular crepe are quite simple and more importantly, normal, I took another stab at it and was quite satisfied with the end results.
Smoked Salmon with Creme Fraiche and Capers Crepe